How the animation in Monster Hunter World guides player-game interaction


  • Lu´ıs Gustavo R. Moreira Universidade Federal de Minas gerais/Departamento de Fotografia e Cinema


Jogos eletrônicos, Monster Hunter World (Jogo eletrônico), Criação de jogos eletrônicos - técnica


Video games are a popular form of entertainment, and their interactivity sets them apart from traditional media. However, video game interactivity still lacks foundational texts in academia. The study of animation, on the other hand, has solid literature in both the academia and the industry. This article uses the 12 principles of animation, activity theory, and other proposed frameworks to analyse the animation of Monster Hunter World and identify when the game’s animation influences the player-game interaction. This influence was found in different aspects of interaction, but mainly related to the game’s rhythm, its main combat loop, its appeal and its ability to efficiently convey information.





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