About the Journal

 Focus and Scope

The magazine Imagem Brasileira is linked to the Center for Studies of the Brazilian Imaginary, the Ceib, focused on the publication of original works sought by research into sculptural art, or that dialogue with it.

It has an Editorial Board composed of members of Ceib's board, coordinated by professors Beatriz Ramos de Vasconcelos Coelho and Maria Regina Emery Quites, and focuses on the annual publication of original, unpublished works related to the study of Brazilian or international devotional sculpture and approaches the following lines of research:

The magazine incorporates 06 lines of research that are responsible for the subjects researched by Ceib: Social Function; Iconography; Authorships and Attributions; Historical Aspects; Materials and Techniques; and Conservation and Restoration.

The journal's target audience is: undergraduate and graduate students; researchers and specialists in the field of History, History of Art; Conservation-Restoration of Movable Cultural Property, Museology, among others, Collectors; collection managers; too informed on the subject of Brazilian/international imaginary and lines of research.

The journal has expanded its scientific editorial journal, as well as investing in indexing and dissemination in order to expand its exogeny; With the participation of renowned national and foreign authors, professors. lecturers, and researchers (as) in the areas of human sciences with wide professional recognition either by the Brazilian scientific community or by the international scientific community. The term of each member of the Board will be two years, renewable for an equal period.

The editors of Imagem Brasileira are attentive to instruments that facilitate access and consultation, as well as the agility of electronic and network processes, creating contacts, collaborations and expanding communication with the academic and scientific community.

To this end, the magazine Imagem Brasileira started to use the open source software Open Journal Systems (OJS), developed by the Public Knowledge Project - PKP, which serves the production and management of periodical publications and editorial activities, facilitating the search, including the indexing process and by metadata.

Imagem Brasileira magazine actively adheres to codes of ethics; open access, copyright, commitment to originality and privacy policies; evaluation by double-blind peer review system, preparation of errata and retractions (After evaluation).

The magazine Imagem Brasileira with the support of institutions such as:

 And uses de following dissemination sites:

Biblat - Bibliografía latinoamericana;

Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras;

Jornals for Free;

Livre - Revistas de Livre Acesso;



The magazine Imagem Brasileira is an annual publication.

Typically, each issue is published from October to November.


Open Access Policy

The Imagem Brasileira magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides greater global democratization of knowledge.

There are no subscription, submission, review, editing or publication fees.


Copyright Policy:

Publications or parts thereof may be reproduced by any means, as long as the source is cited. Imagem Brasileira is not responsible for the content of signed articles.

This work is licensed by

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International.

(Allows dissemination for educational purposes. Share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. Licensor may not revoke these rights as long as you respect the license terms: Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate whether changes have been made. You must do so under any reasonable circumstance, but in no way to suggest that the licensor supports you or your use; Non-Commercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes; No Derivatives — If you remix, transform or create from the material, you may not distribute the modified material No Additional Restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing something the license permits.


Privacy Policy:

The names and addresses reported in the magazine Imagem Brasileira will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties. Signature and delivery of Copyright are requested, in which they express that the article is countless and has not been presented or published in another journal. The author must ensure that all citations presented in the article have the respective academic credit. In case of verification of plagiarism in the article, it will be removed from the editorial process, and a copy will be sent to the corresponding entity so that it can provide the relevant judicial process.


Evaluation / Submission Process

The magazine Imagem Brasileira only accepts works from original research. The originals will be submitted for approval by recognized experts in the topics covered. Papers will be submitted for evaluation without author identification, (registered in the journal's electronic publishing system, the Open Journal Systems - OJS) to ensure the blind peer review process.

The originals will be sent to the evaluators, all with the minimum degree of Master. The article selection process involves ad hoc expert evaluation and the Editorial Committee, which will select the titles to be published. Exceptionally, works that have already been published in foreign journals will be accepted. In this case, they will be subject to the same evaluation of unpublished works. The author must present written authorization from the editor of the journal in which his text was originally published, accompanied by a copy of the article.

In case of disagreement with the rules, the work will be refused. The negative will be communicated and the author will be able to submit a new, corrected version, at any time.

Submission evaluation process through the double-blind peer review system.

The Editorial Board of the magazine Imagem Brasileira will be able to carry out an initial screening of the contributions received, in order to prevent those texts that do not meet the minimum standards of scientific quality, or that escape the magazine's editorial proposal, from being sent to reviewers.

Submissions are evaluated by peer reviewers selected by the Editor-in-Chief according to their mastery of the text's theme. The evaluations of the journal's Scientific Committee are blind, without the reviewer being aware of the authorship of the text, and are carried out under the following criteria:

a) Relevance and originality of the theme;

b)Treatment of the theme (argumentation and structure of the text);

c)Title (suitability to content/clarity);

d)Style (language, expository coherence, clarity);

e)Suitability of the work.

The manuscripts will be published in the original language of submission, with preference for works in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. Submissions in other languages ​​may not be processed. All papers will have their titles, abstracts and keywords translated into Portuguese, Spanish, or English.

The magazine Imagem Brasileira considers the author: as the natural person responsible for the creation of the intellectual or artistic content of a document. Not to be confused with collaborators.

For articles with multiple authorship, it is necessary to inform the order of presentation of the authors and declaration of each author authorizing the publication. Master's level is considered as a minimum graduation for the main author.

The magazine Imagem Brasileira reserves the right to make normative, orthographic and grammatical alterations in the originals, in order to maintain the cult standard of the language, respecting the author's style. Final proofs will not be returned to the authors.

There are no submission, review or publishing fees.

The opinions expressed in the articles are the exclusive responsibility of their authors.

The Editorial Board is not obliged to publish all the texts it receives, even when approved in accordance with the Journal's rules. The rejected article will not have any type of appeal.

The journal will rank the submissions evaluated according to the following sections:

  • Social Function;
  • Iconography;
  • Authorships and Attributions;
  • Historical Aspects;
  • Materials and Techniques; and
  • Conservation and Restoration.

The double-blind peer review review policy covers all sections equally.


Section Policies

Regarding all articles submitted to each section mentioned above, that is, related to each specific line of research, the following guidelines must be followed:


The text must be written in Word with *.doc .x extension (other formats will not be accepted); Page format: A4 (21 x 29,7cm); Margins: Left and top margins must be 3 cm; the right and bottom margins must be 2 cm; Page numbering: pages must not be numbered;

Paragraph: DO NOT ADD paragraph indentation.


Title of the Article in Portuguese: Font Times New Roman, size 12, bold, capital letters, centered, single leading. The title must not exceed two lines.

Title of the Article in English: Font Times New Roman, size 12, italics, capital letters, centered, single leading. The title in English must not exceed two lines.

Title of the Article in Spanish: Font Times New Roman, size 12, bold, italic, capital letters, centered, single leading. The title in Spanish must not exceed two lines.

ABSTRACT: Times New Roman font, size 12, normal, justified alignment, single leading. Maximum 150 words. The word ABSTRACT must be written in capital letters and bold.

Keywords: Times New Roman font, size 12, normal, left alignment, single leading. Minimum 3 and maximum 5 keywords. The expression keywords must be written in bold.

ABSTRACT and RESUMEN: Times New Roman font, size 12, italics, justified alignment, simple leading.

The words ABSTRACT and RESUMEN must be written in bold italics.

Keywords and Keywords: Font Times New Roman, size 12, italic, left alignment, simple leading. Minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 keywords or key words. They must be written in bold italics.

Subtitles in Body Text: Font Times New Roman, size 12, bold, left alignment. Subtitles must not be numbered.

Text Body: Times New Roman font, size 12, justified alignment, 1.5 spacing. Minimum 3,000 words, maximum 5,000 words, not counting the abstract, abstract, keywords, keywords, endnotes, references and image captions.

Quotations: Quotations with up to three lines must follow the same formatting as the body of the text, but enclosed in quotation marks. Quotes with more than three lines must be indented 4 cm from the left margin and follow the following format:

Times New Roman font, size 10, justified alignment, simple leading. After citations, put in parentheses (AUTHOR, year of publication and page or pages; Ex: FAGUNDES, 1998, p.76-79.)

Illustrations: Illustrations or figures are considered: photos, graphic tables, etc. Photos: JPG format; 300 DPI resolution; maximum size of approximately 15cm; The illustrations must be referenced and sequenced in the text with the indication of Figure 1, Figure 2 etc. maximum number: 08 color and/or black and white images.

Image captions: Must be indicated separately with Times New Roman font, size 10, centered alignment. It must contain the information necessary to understand its use, as well as its source. When submitting the article, the authorship of the images should only be included if it does not coincide with the authorship of the article, in order to preserve the blind evaluation of the work. If they agree, the author must suppress this information at the time of submission and include it only after the article is approved, in the final version, which must be sent in accordance with instructions that will be provided later to authors and co-authors with approved works.

Notes: Only explanatory footnotes will be accepted. Font 10, single-spaced, left-aligned.

References: Presented at the end and in alphabetical order. Times New Roman font, size 10, left alignment, single leading. Include only the references cited in the text, whether bibliographic, electronic or otherwise.


Errata and Disclaimers

If an error occurs after the publication of the issue of the journal, the editorial committee and the author will cooperate for the publication of an erratum at the end or beginning of the article, in order to correct the error.



The first issue of Imagem Brasileira magazine was launched in 2001 and represents an achievement for Ceib, the Brazilian Image Studies Center, created in 1996.

The magazine fulfills one of the most important objectives of disseminating unpublished works by Brazilian and foreign authors. The publication's premise is to contribute to academic reflections on/on Art based on unpublished and relevant works in this area of ​​knowledge.

Imagem Brasileira maintained its regular publication twice a year, from 2001 to 2020, a period in which 10 magazines were published. In 2021, it became annual, migrating exclusively to the digital distribution/dissemination medium, with free access in search of evolution and expansion of the scientific knowledge generated by the publications.



The Brazilian Image Study Center – Ceib, the Image and Preservation Research Group (CNPq) and the Imagem Brasileira magazine invite you to stay on top of our activities through their profiles in social communities and their YouTube channels:





