
  • No. 13 (2023)

    A revista Imagem Brasileira, edição de 2023 apresenta pesquisas nacionais e internacionais totalizando 24 artigos, focada no incentivo e divulgação da escultura devocional em suas diversas linhas de pesquisa: aspectos históricos, função social, autorias e atribuições, iconografia, materiais e técnicas; conservação-restauração. Os artigos selecionados são de doutores, doutorandos, pós-doutores, mestres, mestrandos e especialistas, de diversas universidades e instituições brasileiras e do exterior.

  • n.12 (2022)

    A revista Imagem Brasileira do Centro de Estudos da Imaginária Brasileira - Ceib, lança neste ano de 2022 o número 12. Assim como em edições anteriores, a revista se compõe por trabalhos em algumas das diversas linhas de pesquisa da escultura devocional: Autorias e Atribuições, Aspectos Históricos, Iconografia e Materiais e Técnicas. Participam deste número, doutores, doutorandos, pós-doutores, mestres, mestrandos e especialistas, com resultados de pesquisas que abordam diversos aspectos da escultura religiosa.


  • IB11

    No. 11 (2021)

    The journal Imagem Brasileira presents the 11th edition, starting the annual period and
    offering researchers in the field a greater opportunity for dissemination and exchange of
    their studies and research. In this issue, seven papers were approved by the call for
    papers held from January 11th to April 30th, 2021, selected in pairs and blindly by
    our Scientific Committee. In this year of 2021, the Center for Studies of the Brazilian
    Imaginary - Ceib, celebrated its Silver Jubilee, with the realization of the
    I International Seminar on Devotional Sculpture, from April to November,
    on Saturday afternoons, presenting, through a digital platform, 17 lectures with
    national and international speakers who have been part of Ceib's history over these
    25 years. Some of them invited to submit articles for this edition.
  • No. 10 (2020)

    Imagem Brasileira, now 24 years old, enters a new cycle and, as of 2021,
    it will have annual publications. In its 10th edition, it comprises works from its various lines of
    research in devotional sculpture: Historical Aspects, Social Function, Iconography, Authors and Attributions,
    Materials and Techniques, Conservation-Restoration. The articles by selected researchers - doctors, doctoral students,
    post-docs, masters, masters, specialists, bachelors and undergraduates -
    have international representation, with research that addresses the various aspects of devotional sculpture.  
  • capa 9

    No. 9 (2018)

    IMAGEM BRASILEIRA presents in its issue number 9, conferences and communications
    that were part of the 10th International Congress of Ceib - Center for Studies of the Brazilian Imaginary,
    held in Salvador, Bahia, in 2017. Articles organized in sections corresponding to the predominant focus.
    Therefore, topics such as: Conferences, Historical and Social Aspects, Authors and Attributions,
    Materials and Techniques, Conservation and Restoration, and Poster Presentation are listed.  
  • Capa 8

    No. 8 (2015)

    IMAGEM BRASILEIRA presents, in its 8th edition, conferences of the IX International Congress of Ceib -
    Center for Studies of the Brazilian Imaginary, held in São Paulo in 2015.
    Articles are organized in sections corresponding to the predominant focus, distributed in
    seven chapters: Conferences, Authors and Attributions, Iconography, Conservation and Restoration, Historical and Social Aspects,
    Materials and Techniques, and Poster Presentation.
  • Capa 07

    No. 7 (2013)

    IMAGEM BRASILEIRA presents in its issue number 7, conferences of the VIII International Congress of Ceib -
    Center for Studies of the Brazilian Imaginary, held at the Museu do Homem Missioneiro Potiguar, Rio Grande do Norte, in 2013.
    Articles are gathered in corresponding sections the predominant focus, distributed in five chapters: Historical and social aspects,
    Iconography, Authors and Attributions, Materials and techniques, and Conservation and restoration.
  • Capa 06

    No. 6 (2011)

    IMAGEM BRASILEIRA number 6 was composed of the conferences of the VII International Congress of Ceib -
    Center for the Study of the Brazilian Imaginary, held at the Casa da Ópera, Municipal Theater of
    the city of Ouro Preto, in 2011. Articles organized in sections corresponding to the predominant focus,
    distributed in five chapters: Historical and social aspects, Iconography, Authors and Attributions, Materials and techniques, and
    Conservation and restoration.
  • Capa 05

    No. 5 (2009)

    Number 5 of IMAGEM BRASILEIRA, is composed of conferences of the VI International Congress of Ceib -
    Center for Studies of the Brazilian Imaginary, held at the Casa de Rui Barbosa Foundation, in the city of
    Rio de Janeiro, in 2009. Migrating to electronic media and With greater optimization of resources and scope of dissemination,
    articles are organized in sections corresponding to the predominant focus, distributed in four chapters:
    Historical and social aspects, Authors and Attributions, Iconography, and Materials and techniques.
  • Capa 04

    No. 4 (2009)

    We present number 4 of IMAGEM BRASILEIRA, composed of conferences of the V International Congress of Ceib -
    Center for the Study of the Brazilian Imaginary, held at the Center for Arts of the Federal University of Espírito Santo, 2007.
    Articles are organized in sections corresponding to the predominant focus , divided into five chapters:
    historical and social aspects, iconography and iconology, Authorship and Attributions, and Materials, techniques and conservation.
  • Capa 03

    No. 3 (2006)

    We present number 3 of IMAGEM BRASILEIRA, in commemoration of the 10 years of activities of
    the Center for the Study of Brazilian Imaginary and the II International Congress of Ceib.
    Articles are organized in sections corresponding to the predominant focus, distributed in
    five chapters: social, technical and historical aspects; authorship and attributions; and
    religious iconography.
  • Capa 02

    No. 2 (2003)

    Seven years after its creation, in December 1996, the Center for Studies of the Brazilian Imaginary - Ceib -
    continues to expand, proof of the growing interest that sacred images have been reaching as an object of studies and
    research in universities, museums and institutions related to the conservation and restoration of
    movable heritage in the official and private spheres. This second issue of the IMAGEM BRASILEIRA magazine brings
    together works on specific or related themes, related to religious imagery and organized in sections corresponding to
    the predominant methodological focus, distributed into four chapters: historical and social aspects, authorship and attributions,
    iconography and conservation/restoration. The magazine is the result of the I International Congress of Ceib - Center for Studies of
    the Brazilian Imaginary, held in Mariana, Minas Gerais in 1998.
  • Capa 01

    No. 1 (2001)

    IMAGEM BRASILEIRA already brings together in its first number twenty-one unpublished works by
    Brazilian and foreign authors, grouped into three thematic sections: History and Styles,
    Authorship and Attributions, Materials and Techniques, Iconography and Religious and
    Social Aspects.