
Laylah Ali
Washington, Contemporary Art Museum St.Louis, 2004
10,6 x 14 cm
36 p.
ISBN: 978-0971219564

Known for her cartoon-like characters engaged in ambiguous activities, Laylah Ali’s paintings and drawings imply narratives that address a wide variety of political, cultural, and social concerns. Her carefully-created images are deceptive with their buoyant color, yet at the same time delve into some of the more disturbing impulses revealed in the workings of individuals and groups. Often creating characters that represent the many facets of social and racial identity, this special artist book, Types, includes new drawings that are representative of the different “types” of characters Ali creates. Keeping with the intimate scale of her works, this 36-page book includes 14 new black and white color drawings. Each image is juxtaposed next to a solid block of color in order to heighten the intricate details of these new depictions.

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