No. 2 (2003)

Capa 02
Seven years after its creation, in December 1996, the Center for Studies of the Brazilian Imaginary - Ceib -
continues to expand, proof of the growing interest that sacred images have been reaching as an object of studies and
research in universities, museums and institutions related to the conservation and restoration of
movable heritage in the official and private spheres. This second issue of the IMAGEM BRASILEIRA magazine brings
together works on specific or related themes, related to religious imagery and organized in sections corresponding to
the predominant methodological focus, distributed into four chapters: historical and social aspects, authorship and attributions,
iconography and conservation/restoration. The magazine is the result of the I International Congress of Ceib - Center for Studies of
the Brazilian Imaginary, held in Mariana, Minas Gerais in 1998.
Published: 2003-01-01


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