Schools and universities | Call for entries | Film, video, multimedia

IMPORTANT – Message to schools and universities
To teachers and students
Please forward to whom it may concern
–Dear Madam, dear Sir,We are writing to send you below information about the call for entries we are currently disseminating for the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin to be held in Paris in November 2024 and in Berlin in April 2025.Submissions are open until 25 April 2024.
Information below is intended for teachers and heads of film, video and multimedia departments, to inform the students about our call for entries. We would be very pleased to receive from you or by your intermediary one or several submissions of your students.The event aims to support young artists and emerging art forms.The 2022-2023 event took place in Paris at the Centre Pompidou, the CWB Paris, the Fondation Fiminco, the Guimet Museum, the Jeu de Paume and other venues, and in Berlin at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, in the presence of a large audience and professionals from around the world. We look forward to preparing the 2024-2025 programme!Please email us for any questions.
Best wishes,Jean-François Rettig, Nathalie Hénon – Directors  FR / EN / DE / ES Call for entries – 2nd part, until 25 April 2024 The second part of the call for entries to the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin to be held in Paris in November 2024 is now open until 25 April 2024. Major event dedicated to new cinema and contemporary art, it offers every year a curated international programme gathering works by internationally renowned artists and filmmakers, along with works by emerging artists and filmmakers shown for the first time.For the third year, the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin will invite an international jury to award a prize with a grant to one of the artists of the programme. This cross-disciplinary grant will distinguish a unique work in the field of moving images.  Submit your work  → To enter a work Any individual or organization can submit one or several works, regardless of geographical origins. The call for entries for both the main programme and the Moving Image Art Prize are open to film, video and multimedia works. There are no restrictions on length or genre.  Film and video ► Video / Experimental video
► Fiction, exp. fiction / Short, middle and full length
► Documentary, exp. documentary
► Experimental film
► AnimationMultimedia, expanded media ► Video installation, multimedia installation
► 360° video, VR, AR, XR art
► Multimedia concert/performance  Read more  →  The second part is open until 25 April 2024.Spread the news! More about RIPB 2024 The 2022-2023 Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin took place in Paris at the Centre Pompidou, the CWB Paris, the Fondation Fiminco, the Guimet Museum, the Jeu de Paume, the Luminor Hôtel de Ville, the MEP Paris, and the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, and in Berlin at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.The event offers a forum for reflection and discovery dedicated to pratices of contemporary moving images. It introduces guests from all over the world: artists, filmmakers, institutions and emerging organizations, giving us a picture of an on-going creation, of new issues raised by the evolution of the production methods and ways to present new works, and of the different emerging artistic and cultural contexts.Its programme reflects specificities and convergences of artistic practices of new cinema and contemporary art, explores emerging media art practices and their critical approaches, and allows for this necessary time when points of view are crossed and exchanged.
The event aims at presenting works to a broad audience, at creating circulations between different art practices and between different audiences, as well as creating new exchanges between artists, filmmakers and professionals.
The event aims to contribute to a reflection on our contemporary image culture, through a compelling programme open to all.  Partners   DRAC Île-de-France – Ministry of Culture, CNC Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, Région Île-de-France, te City of Paris, Cité internationale des arts.Cover image credit – Animated gif : excerpt from “Aasivissuit” by Jasper Coppes, programmed in the framework of Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin 2020-2021.