Todo Aquello Que No Está En Las Imagenes


Rosângela Rennó
Todo Aquello Que No Está En Las Imagenes
Espanha, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, 2014.
15 x 21,5 cm.
271 p.
ISBN:  978-8492579-58-7

Rosângela Rennó has spent more than two decades collecting objects related to the creation of images. From magic lanterns to cameras, from individual pictures to complete albums, these objects have become the raw material for many of her pieces. The forgotten or simply left behind is not only reborn, but also takes on the ability to generate new narratives.

This process is even more similar to archeological practices, when Rennó finds the photographs of the skulls pertaining to the Gaunches in the Canarian Museum and sees in them a “somber testimony of the heavy hand of the Spaniards over the precolonial Canarian societes”. Just like a forensic pathologist, the artist listens to what the cadavers have to say about their past, but without nostalgia, since her goal is based on understanding the present and the future.

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