

Jarosław Kozłowski
Reality, (1972) 3rd Printing 2014.
Matt’s Gallery / X Marks the Bökship

“REALITY “ is based on Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. It is a precise copy of the third subchapter of The Transcendental Power of Pure Judgement (Analysis of Principles) from Doctrine of Elements (part II, section 1). “REALITY” means reality.

. , : ; – ( ) / / ” “ ! ? … ­– or punctuation – is something which escapes conformation with metalinguistic reality and which does not constitute either its representation nor its description (in written language).

Although we commonly refer to punctuation marks, these notations have no meaning external to themselves. They do not have any models in meatalinguistic reality and themselves do not model any elements of that reality. They have no designates, while, simultaneously, not being void, they are therefore neutral vis-à-vis metalinguistic reality.

. , : ; – ( ) / / ” “ ! ? … ­create reality which is e q u i v a l e n t   to metalinguistic reality. In a sense they are the only “REALITY” reality of ‘Jarosław Kozłowski ‘.

Con-Text, Bunkier Sztuki, 2009

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