Riki fermier

Riki fermier.jpg

Ilan Manouach (Atenas, 1980)
Riki fermier
[Atenas], Cinquième Couch, 2015
ISBN : 9782390080992


O artista grego removeu todos os personagens de uma revista para crianças publicada originalmente na Dinamarca, deixando apenas um personagem secundário, o pelicano Riki. Sozinho, Riki é uma testemunha passiva da reconstrução de uma antiga fazenda.


Ilan Manouach (Athens, 1980) is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist with a spe­cific inter­est in con­cep­tual comics. He also actively works as a pub­lisher and a pro­fes­sional musi­cian. He holds a BFA from L’Ecole Supérieure des Arts, in Brus­sels and is cur­rently enrolled as a stu­dent in the MA Pro­gram of the Dutch Art Insti­tute in the Nether­lands. Since 2003, he has pub­lished more than a dozen book­works under the cat­a­logue of a small infor­mal pub­lish­ing house based in Brus­sels. He has curated four antholo­gies bring­ing together con­tri­bu­tions from artists, crit­ics, lawyers and dif­fer­ent pro­fes­sion­als of the book indus­try.


In the comics world, he is mostly known for the unsigned comic book appro­pri­a­tions, and the man­i­festos sup­ple­ment­ing these edi­tion. He has pub­lished ille­gal appro­pri­a­tions of exist­ing comic books, and rein­jected his detourne­ments in the book mar­ket. He con­tin­u­ously claims for the impor­tance of an idio­syn­cratic “reader’s space”, beyond all imposed mean­ings com­ing from the author or from the pre­vail­ing read­ings of cer­tain works. Fol­low­ing a mode d’emploi, con­sist­ing of a very sim­ple chart of manip­u­la­tions to guide him through the process, he seeks to instan­ti­ate this spe­cific reader’s space, by retal­i­at­ing upon this exact same for­mat. These fac­sim­ile ver­sions are annu­ally dis­sem­i­nated dur­ing the Angoulême Inter­na­tional Comics Fes­ti­val, mak­ing use of the polit­i­cal trac­tion of the man­i­fes­ta­tion in order to demon­strate that comic books exist in their pri­mary state and con­ceived as a mass-pro­duced object. are a pow­er­ful self-reflex­ive medium. (http://ilanmanouach.com/)



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