Color Me


Jacques Julien
Color Me
Paris, Semiose, 2016
14,7 x 21 cm
24 p.
Impressão em offset
ISBN: 978-2-915199-92-5

Knock knock, spirit are you there? A wave of magic wand and the objects drawn by the sculptor Jacques Julien come to life, building a pyramid, forming puppets and turning themselves in every possible direction. Fortified by their perfectly assured artistic sensibility, they come together and split apart, balancing precariously or as stable as a well oiled machine, a mechanical ballet or mayhem on the move. Difference and repetition, repetition and difference, over and over, until the final tumble, crash, bang, wallop!

Jacques’ album starts as a construction kit, continues as a gallery of caricatures and ends up in the form of a coloring book. No time to lose! Let’s get down to work!


What is this?


Tamara Shopsin
What is this?
Los Angeles, The Ice Plant, 2015
8,9 x 10,6 cm
40 p.
ISBN:  978-0-9897859-4-5

It’s never too early to learn about abstraction — especially if celebrated illustrator Tamara Shopsin is doing the teaching. What Is This? is a wordless children’s book that will encourage imaginative thinking in readers young and old. The miniature book, made for small hands, is filled with simple line drawings, executed with characteristic charm by Shopsin. Each drawing playfully adds to and alters the same basic squiggle, which is transformed across different contexts on each successive page: first the squiggle appears as the petals of a flower; next as a bird’s nest, then a cowboy’s lasso, then a plume of smoke from a factory chimney. Each time, only a few extra lines are required to suggest the conversion. By the end of the book, faced with an innocent squiggle, the question is not “what is this?,” but rather, “what isn’t this?”



What is this?



Rosario Zorraquín
Buenos Aires, Big Sur Books, 2014
20 x 30 cm
[18] p.
Impressão em offset

Etchings that are repeated over and over start to form significant patterns in Rosario Zorraquin’s edition of drawings, Glosario. Symbols that carry weight across every page evoke the letters on Viking runestones, and drawings of symmetrical lines suggest the hand of an architecture draughtsman. Set in the middle of the edition, Zorraquin details a list of practices for the reader that seek to challenge sight, the truth of vision and the difficulty and delight of capturing dimensions in a line drawing.


Transition: Dissolve

031-Transition-Dissolve (1)

Flávio Trevisan
Transition: Dissolve
Toronto, Hex Editions, 2017
12,5 x 20 cm.
[44] p.
Impressão a laser
ISBN: 9781927809211

Italy-born, Toronto-based visual artist Flavio Trevisan possesses a well-demonstrated knack for raising unorthodoxy from repetition and regularity, and the perfect-bound TRANSITION: Dissolve is yet another testament to his expertise. After an intermission of 4 years, Trevisan returns to his TRANSITION series with this digitally-printed, black-and-white installment. And it is worth the wait: Dissolve is arguably the most sophisticated, mindful chapter in the series. Similar to TRANSITION: Zoom In, the book opens into a double-spread title page. One soon realizes that the volume lends itself to a flip book approach, and as one proceeds, the text fades into ethereal imprints and ultimately vanishes while an underlying photo of a pair of hands holding open a blank book saturates into view.