Maria Thereza Alves & Jimmie Durham
Inadequate Response
Strasbourg/França, CEAAC, 2007
17,7 x 20 cm
80 p.
ISBN: 2-910036-39–2
Maria Thereza Alves & Jimmie Durham
Inadequate Response
Strasbourg/França, CEAAC, 2007
17,7 x 20 cm
80 p.
ISBN: 2-910036-39–2
Flávio Trevisan
Transition: Dissolve
Toronto, Hex Editions, 2017
12,5 x 20 cm.
[44] p.
Impressão a laser
ISBN: 9781927809211
Italy-born, Toronto-based visual artist Flavio Trevisan possesses a well-demonstrated knack for raising unorthodoxy from repetition and regularity, and the perfect-bound TRANSITION: Dissolve is yet another testament to his expertise. After an intermission of 4 years, Trevisan returns to his TRANSITION series with this digitally-printed, black-and-white installment. And it is worth the wait: Dissolve is arguably the most sophisticated, mindful chapter in the series. Similar to TRANSITION: Zoom In, the book opens into a double-spread title page. One soon realizes that the volume lends itself to a flip book approach, and as one proceeds, the text fades into ethereal imprints and ultimately vanishes while an underlying photo of a pair of hands holding open a blank book saturates into view.
Vitrine com os volumes da “Enciclopédia Visual” de Wlademir Dias-Pino
Acontece até dia 15/12/2012 a mostra “O Mundo no Papel”, como parte da defesa de doutorado do professor Amir Brito Cadôr, um dos responsáveis pela coleção especial junto com a professora Maria do Carmo de Freitas Veneroso. Em exposição, acervo particular do pesquisador e uma parte do acervo da EBA/UFMG.