Contra: Panfletos

WhatsApp Image 2019-04-04 at 11.40.28

Guilherme Falcão (editor)
Contra: Panfletos
São Paulo, Contra Editora, 2016
15,5 x 22,2 x 4,7 cm (caixa contendo 13 panfletos)

“CONTRA: PANFLETOS é um selo dedicado à propaganda de ideias curtas de longo alcance. Esta caixa contém todos os 13 panfletos que foram lançados em janeiro de 2016”

O editor é Guilherme Falcão e são diversos os artistas responsáveis pela criação dos panfletos, sendo eles: Felipe Kaizer, Bruno Mendonça, Flávio Franzoni, Danila Bustamante, Tiago Guiness, DEDO, Erik Van Der Weijde, Anne Moeglin-Delcroix / Amir Brito Cadôr, Lucas Toth, Ícaro Lira, Lucas Simões, Marcus Braga, Davi de Oliveira Pinheiro e Tereza Bettinardi.


Jet Lag 59


Jet Lag 59 – Iomai
Rennes, Lendroit, 2016
15 x 21 cm
24 p.
ISBN 978-2-37751-000-9

Jet Lag is a collection dedicated to drawing, collage, photo-montage and other graphic experiments. Each artist is given free rein for each Jet Lag -they have to takethe 24 available pages and make them their own. Each Jet Lag season is made of 10 Jet Lag.

Jet Lag 54


Thibaud Vaillant
Jet Lag 54 – Thibaud Vaillant
Rennes, Lendroit, 2016
15 x 21 cm
24 pages
ISBN 978-2-917427-66-8

Jet Lag is a collection dedicated to drawing, collage, photo-montage and other graphic experiments. Each artist is given free rein for each Jet Lag -they have to takethe 24 available pages and make them their own. Each Jet Lag season is made of 10 Jet Lag.

Jet Lag 33


Gianpaolo Pagn
Jet Lag 33 – A star in the marble
Rennes, Lendroit, 2014
15 x 21 cm
24 pages
ISBN 978-2-917427-90-3

Via Benevagienna, 20. Torino, Italy.Third floor, the door on your right when you get out of the lift.A room with a balcony overlooking the street.More than thirty years ago I discovered a branched white star in this room, perfectlydrawn, about 5mm long inlaid in one of the marble paving stone of the floor.Perhaps one day I’ll go and knock at that door to ask if I can see this star again.

Gianpaolo Pagni

Jet Lag 28


Karim Ould
Jet Lag 28 – Remonter la rue
Rennes, Lendroit, 2013
15 x 21 cm
24 p.
ISBN 978-2-917427-48-4

Jet Lag is a collection of books dedicated to drawing,collage, photomontage and other graphic experiments.

Artists’ Fanzines Art Basel Book


Jason Polan
Artists’ Fanzines Art Basel Book
New York,  Printed Matter Inc, 2010
21.5 x 14 cm
8 p.

Este fanzine foi criado para acompanhar a exposição ‘Artist’s Fanzine’ de 2010 na Art Basel. Uma celebração do meio que também oferece aos visitantes (e visitantes em potencial) um índice desenhado à mão dos zines incluídos no programa. Usando seu estilo característico de sintetizar vários objetos em formas arredondadas e sintéticas, Polan cria miniaturas de zines de Ryan Foerster, Stefan Marx, Yuri Shibuya, Ari Marcopoulos, Mark Gonzales, Raymond Pettibon, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Tom Sachs, Susan Cianciolo e dele mesmo.


This fanzine was created to accompany the 2010 ‘Artist’s Fanzine’ exhibition at Art Basel. A celebration of the medium that also provides visitors (and would-be visitors) with a hand-drawn index of the zines included in the show. Using his signature style of synthesising various objects into rounded and essentialised forms, Polan creats thumbnail sketches of zines by Ryan Foerster, Stefan Marx, Yuri Shibuya, Ari Marcopoulos, Mark Gonzales, Raymond Pettibon, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Tom Sachs, Susan Cianciolo, and Polan himself.

Foto.zine nr.5


Erik Van Der Weijde
Foto.zine nr.5
4478zine, Brasil, 2013
15 x 21cm

Foto.zine nr. 5 é o último de uma série de coleções de zines de Erik van der Weijde. Esta série é composta por 5 edições diferentes, todas mostrando fotografias tiradas no Brasil.

Foto.zine nr. 5 is the last in a series of zine collections by Erik van der Weijde. This series consists of 5 different issues, all showing photographs taken in Brazil.

Buzios shows colored B/W photos of a beachtown with its many tv antennas. Fusca shows a series of Volkswagen Beetles in the streets of Natal. Motel contains a series of Love Motels in a city. Jardins holds a large collection of appartment entrances in a fancy Sao Paulo neighbourhood. Lixo holds series of garbage baskets, photographed at night.

Jet Lag 26 – Collimateur


Jacques Domeau
Jet Lag 26 – Collimateur

Lendroit, Rennes, 2013
15 x 21 cm
24 p.
ISBN 978-2-917427-46-0

Jet Lag is a collection of books dedicated to drawing,collage, photomontage and other graphic experiments.

Jet Lag 05


Thomas Lélu
Jet Lag 05
Rennes, Lendroit, 2011
15 x 21 cm
24 pages

” This is a selection of anonymous drawings taken from the art supplies shops and shop of fine arts in Paris from 2009 to 2010. These « sketches » are scribbled on different papers by anonymous who try pencils in the shops before they buying them (or not). Incidentally, probably because I had been noticed trying to steal one of them, the salesmen had decided to stick blocks to the desks and to the tear­proof pages. Though I tried to steal one, I would have had to use a weapon or a crowbar if I wanted to get the chance to take one. From that time I have stopped doing this but I have kept all the collected drawings about one hundred­ thus forming my own archives for my project – a Museum for anonymous. “Thomas Lélu

Jet Lag is a collection of booksdedicated to drawing, collage, photomontage and othergraphic experiments.