The Black Book


Barbara Bloom
The Black Book
[Dust Jacket Edition]
New York, Printed Matter Inc., 1993
1000 ex.

Uma edição de 1.000 jaquetas impressas em offset permite que você crie seu próprio livro da Barbara Bloom, simplesmente colocando esta capa ao redor do livro de sua escolha.

An edition of 1,000 offset-printed dustjackets allows you to create your own book by Barbara Bloom, simply by wrapping this cover around the book of your choice.


10,000 Francs Reward

Marcel Broodthaers
10,000 Francs Reward
New York/Brussels, Printed Matter Inc./Département des Aigles, 2016
18 x 23 cm.
16 p.

Text by Marcel Broodthaers, written in interview form, published for the Catalogue/Catalogus exhibition at the Palais de Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1974 (after conversations with Irmeline Lebeer).


Livro Livre Sobre Livros

Simone Peixoto e Julio Giacomelli
Livro Livre Sobre Livros
Campinas/Londrina: Xilomóvel/Grafatório, 2016
Xilogravura, tipografia e serigrafia

Produzido nos ateliês do Xilomóvel (Campinas/SP) e do Grafatório (Londrina/PR).
Texto composto com tipos de metal do acervo do Grafatório.
Encadernado por Uno Duo.

Envisioning Emotional Epistemological Information


David Byrne
Envisioning Emotional Epistemological Information
Alemanha, Steidl/Pace/MacGill Gallery, 2003
27.5 x 35.5 cm
ISBN: 978-3882439076

“For more than a year I have used the ubiquitous sales and presentation program PowerPoint as an art medium. This book of images and essays also contains a DVD which plays five of these pieces accompanied by original music. The book itself contains a dozen new written pieces and a lot of beautiful (subjectively speaking) images from the PowerPoint pieces that feature plastic overlays, foldouts, and a whole lot more. But what is it about?

“It is about taking subjective, even emotional, information and presenting it in a familiar audio visual form using a medium in a way that is different and possibly better than what was intended. It is representing one thing by another thing, the other thing not the first thing and neither thing resembling the second thing.” From the artist.