Protect Ya Heart


Gui Castor
Protect Ya Heart
Belo Horizonte, Nunc, 2016
10,5 x 15,5 cm
[72] p.
ISBN: 978-85-66283-08-2

In those days I used to walk the streets carrying a disposable camera in my pocket. That’s how I expected to meet people and approach the city. The encounters would be made of a single clash, a brief instant.

This sense of intimacy and disappearance was an essential source to my daily work. To cover my face with my hand was not a defense mechanism though. In the creative act, hand and brain should work combined but also in confrontation. The photographs here are faded memories written in light and time. And under these conditions the flashlights would spread in indeterminate directions. Where could it touch us?

NY, 2016


Iluminuras V

md 088

Júlio Martins e Marco Antonio Mota
Iluminuras V
Nunc, Belo Horizonte, 2014
16 x 13cm
83 p.

Iluminuras é uma série de livros de artista feitos em diálogo entre os autores. Reúne anotações, conversas e exercícios realizados entre Júlio Martins e Marco Antonio Mota em desenhos, fotografias e textos, com uma pretensão de literatura.