
Specific Object

Allan Kaprow  (Atlantic City, EUA, 1927-2006)
New York, M. L. D’Arc Gallery, 1976

Text and design by Allan Kaprow
Photographs by Bee Ottinger
16 p.,
27.9 x 21.5 cm.

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kaprow Satisfaction_Página_05

Artist’s book by Allan Kaprow documenting his happening Satisfaction, which took place in April 1976. Book comprised of images and texts by Kaprow that outline the happening. “Ordinarily, we want and manage to get a certain amount of attention from the world all of our lives. The kind, manner and quantity may change, but in any case it’s attention. It follows that others want attention from us. A sort of acknowledgement-economics is involved, a trade-off, usually with a profit motive. We would like (unconsciously of course) to get more that we give…”

Four actors–two male, two female–perform short scripts by Kaprow in which they must seek, give, or deny attention to one another. Carried out by four groups of four in 1976 in New York, this book documents one group’s performance of Satisfaction with black and white photographs and reproductions of the scripts. In a short essay at the back, Kaprow discusses the range of complex social and emotional interactions this deceptively simple exercise can (and is meant to) bring out in its participants.


Piano Sonata No. 2


Dick Higgins
Piano Sonata No. 2 (Graphis # 192)
Edition: 750
12×8.5 in.
Printed Editions
Barrytown, NY


About this object
unbound in folder – 4 acetate overlays printed in different colors. visual score for musical performance.
Medium and Materials
diazo on acetate, offset

This musical work uses four overlays in different colors, each of which is placed over a different sheet of existing piano music. On the overlays are arrows directing eye and hand, separately or together, thus collaging the music that is read through them. 4 page folder, containing 4 silkscreened vinyl sheets in color, 9″ by 12″, 1982


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Esposizione in tempo reale n. 9: i sogni

Esposizione in tempo reale n.9.jpg

Franco Vaccari       (Modena, Itália, 1936)

Esposizione in tempo reale n. 9: i sogni
Brescia, Nuovi Strumenti, 1975
16 p.,
22,5 x 16,5 cm.
10 fotografias, 7 coloridas
Edição de 200 exemplares
Texto em italiano e inglês


“Na noite de 25 de fevereiro de 1975 dormimos em uma sala da galeria; ao acordar pela manhã contamos os sonhos e [aqui] os apresentamos juntamente com a documentação Polaroid das etapas que antecederam o sono. O ambiente estava assim preparado: sacos de dormir tinham sido colocados sobre uma base quadrada de tábuas de madeira, um feixe de laser, modulado por um som ambiente, desenhava na parede imagens concêntricas em vermelho e na entrada estava escrito na parede: Quem entrar na sala depois das 11 da noite não poderá sair até a manhã seguinte. Antes de ingressar você precisa girar a roda da fortuna e ler a sorte. Essas frases estavam gravadas em placas de metal que, de acordo com o princípio da sincronicidade, deveriam agir como núcleos de concentração e libertação”.


La femme et


Annette Messager
La femme et…
Paris, Dilecta, 2007
paperback, sewn
language : French
24 p.
20 x 15 cm
ISBN 978-2-916275-23-9


Playful and singular, Annette Messager’s work combines varied techniques (cutting, collage, painting, writing, embroidery) and reveals different facets of the artist: Annette Messager the collector, the cheater, the peddler, the practical woman…


In 1975, Annette Messager launched a cycle entitled “Annette Messager : the cheater” during which La Femme et… was published in Geneva by another artist, John Armleder. Mixing topics from body art to image editing, the book is composed of a series of photographs presenting the made-up female form – the female artist’s naked body – on which interior and exterior, drawing and photographs merge, accompanied by laconic captions. The cheater, notes Annette Messager, “is never idle and is never lacking material as she plays with herself and on herself.” The tone of the book is sometimes moving (“the woman and the operation”), frankly comical (“the woman and the bearded one”), or falsely tragic as in brief sketches (“the woman and death”, “the woman and fear”).


For this faithful republication, the 1975 book was reassembled with the help of the artist and a few images were added.


Piano Album


Dick Higgins
Piano Album: Short Piano Pieces, 1962-1984
New York: Printed Editions, 1980
Music scores and instructions for performance
36 p.
28 x 21.5 cm.

Table of Contents:
i – Sophokles I, page 1
ii – Gesti, page 2
iii – Long Arch, page 4
iv – Suggested by Small Swallows, page 6
v – Clouds, page 8
vi – Six Imitations for Piano and Pianist, page 10
vii – Sparks for Piano, page 11
viii – Touch #1 for Piano, page 14
ix – Sophokles II, page 17
x – Touch #2 for Piano, page 19
xi – Haydn in the Forest, page 20
xii – Litany Piano Pieces, pag 23
xiii – Piano Sonata #1, page 29


“A beautifully produced collection of graphic,
verbal and notated scores…
With relevance to both music and literature,
Piano’s Album iconoclastic scores belong
in belles lettres and music libraries…” D.H.


Kurt Johannessen
Bergen/Noruega, 2013 (3ª ed.)

84 p.
10 x 10 cm
Texto em inglês
1.500 ex.

Here is a hand book of exercises that hardly anyone has tried. The format is small, which makes it easy to take the book everywhere and practise anywhere when needed. The book has been printed in five editions since the first printed in 1994, and is therefore the absolute best seller.

Um manual de exercícios que poucos tentaram fazer. O pequeno formato facilita levar o livro para qualquer lugar e praticar os exercícios sempre que necessário. O artista doou três livros de exercício por ocasião da exposição realizada em 2013 no Museu de Arte da Pampulha (O livro como performance). Apresentamos alguns dos textos traduzidos:

exercises exercises3 exercises2 exercises4 exercises6 exercises5



Yoko Ono
Grapefruit: a book of instructions + drawings
introduction by John Lennon.
New York, NY : Simon & Schuster, 2000.
ISBN 9780743201100

“Thirty years ago, in 1962, I did an exhibition of instruction paintings at Sogetsu Art Center in Tokyo. A year before, I did a show of instruction paintings at AG Gallery in New York, but that was exhibiting canvases with instructions attached to them. Displaying just the instructions as paintings was going one step further, pushing visual art to its optimum conceptualism; it would open up a whole new horizon for the visual arts. I was totally excited by the idea and its visual possibilities. To make the point that the instructions were not themselves graphic images, I wanted the instructions to be typed.”
(From the book Yoko Ono: Instruction Paintings, 1995)
