

Jaime Narváez
[Bilbao], Belleza Infinita, 2009
17 x 23,5 cm
[32] p.
ISBN: 978-84-935087-3-9

Colección de cuatro cuadernos en los que se proponen nuevas tramas, unas partiendo de los tradicionales renglones y cuadrículas, y otras diferentes con oblicuas y curvas. Se pueden mirar como dibujos, aunque se mantiene la funcionalidad de un cuaderno convencional. Una invitación a imaginar y experimentar nuevas formas de escritura o dibujo, volviendo la mirada sobre los propios soportes.

A collection of four notebooks in which, from the traditional lines and squares, new patterns are proposed. They can be seen as drawings, even though they maintain their functionality as a conventional notebook. An invitation to imagine and experiment new forms of drawing or writing, returning our gaze/attention to the medium itself.

Eu me livro


Ana Estaregui (Sococaba, 1987)
Eu me livro
São José dos Campos/SP, Publicações Iara, 2012}13 x 13 cm
18 p.
ISBN: 978-85-64630-07-9

Livro-performance. Um livro-imagem composto de fotografias feitas no corpo da autora onde escreve a frase “eu me livro” com caneta BIC.

The Master


Juergen Teller
The Master
Göttingen/Alemanha, STEIDL, 2005
17,5 x 23 cm
[26] p.
ISBN: 3-86524-104-6

Juergen Teller’s campaigns for Marc Jacobs and Helmut Lang and his fashion editorials for magazines over the last two decades have been credited with changing the face of fashion photography by virtue of their fresh and unmanufactured tone. Teller makes little distinction between his fashion work, commissioned portraits for magazines, and the photographs he takes for himself. All aspects of his work rely on establishing an intimacy between subject and photographer, setting up a nonhierarchical and slightly irreverent relationship, which ultimately gives the viewer the sense of truth revealed. In recent years, Teller has exhibited a mixture of fashion and commissioned works alongside more personal photographs. The title The Master is a tongue-in-cheek continuation of that exploration, inspired by recent adventures with two of his heroes, the photographers William Eggleston and Nobuyoshi Araki. Portraits of both men were the starting point for the exhibition and this catalogue, which also contains images of other people whose magic fascinates Teller: Marilyn Manson, Kurt Cobain, and Simon McBurney, among others. The selection for The Master also includes theatrical self-portraits from Teller’s Louis XV project with Charlotte Rampling, pictures of noncelebrity subjects, and a number of still lifes from a trip home to Nürnberg. The combination of all these images is a record of energies and residues captured, considered, and, ultimately, lost.

Dentro da Faixa


Júlio Abreu
Dentro da Faixa
Belo Horizonte, Scriptum, 2017
Impressão em offset
ISBN: 978-85-9494-012-4

O livro reúne fotografias de Júlio Abreu “tiradas de dentro de um carro em movimento percorrendo 245 km nas vias BR-356, MG-262, MG-329 e BR-262 – estradas que o levam de Belo Horizonte à casa de seu pai, em Abre Campo, pequena cidade da Zona da Mata mineira onde cresceu.
Júlio lança seu olhar sobre sua viagem, que para ele é munida de significados relacionados à volta para casa, ao encontro com a figura paterna e com suas origens. Um olhar que se mistura a seus traços de trabalho marcados pelas retas e geometria do design e que são refletidos pelas retas da estrada, trazendo um novo significado.
