

Jennifer Gabrys
Londres, Book Works, 2004
21 x 13 cm.
40 p.
ISBN: 1870699726

“Like pennies from heaven, airdrops occur in many guises, from food to fleas, from prosthetic limbs to exploding decoy frogs, the ethos of the airdrop falls somewhere between destruction and creation. This topical new publication sketches the history of the airdrop; providing a creative survey and investigation into this very particular form of tactical weaponry. Presenting examples and information, this fascinating and personal overview demonstrates the unusual imagination and ingenuity involved in the design and dispersal of this critical medium.” From the publisher

Todo Aquello Que No Está En Las Imagenes


Rosângela Rennó
Todo Aquello Que No Está En Las Imagenes
Espanha, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, 2014.
15 x 21,5 cm.
271 p.
ISBN:  978-8492579-58-7

Rosângela Rennó has spent more than two decades collecting objects related to the creation of images. From magic lanterns to cameras, from individual pictures to complete albums, these objects have become the raw material for many of her pieces. The forgotten or simply left behind is not only reborn, but also takes on the ability to generate new narratives.

This process is even more similar to archeological practices, when Rennó finds the photographs of the skulls pertaining to the Gaunches in the Canarian Museum and sees in them a “somber testimony of the heavy hand of the Spaniards over the precolonial Canarian societes”. Just like a forensic pathologist, the artist listens to what the cadavers have to say about their past, but without nostalgia, since her goal is based on understanding the present and the future.

Entrar e Sair


Luísa Rabello
Entrar e Sair
Belo Horizonte, Chão da Feira, 2013
18 × 24 cm
52 p.
ISBN: 978-85-66421-04-0

Um pouquinho antes de entrar nas fotos, nas cenas em que a
fotógrafa atua, no Conjunto JK, onde as cenas ocorrem, nas frases
que descrevem as cenas, em cada uma das palavras que compõem
as frases, presenciamos aqui – bem na entrada, mas ainda do lado de
fora, entre fascinados e estarrecidos – uma colossal, cinematográfica,
chuva de lixo.

10,000 Francs Reward

Marcel Broodthaers
10,000 Francs Reward
New York/Brussels, Printed Matter Inc./Département des Aigles, 2016
18 x 23 cm.
16 p.

Text by Marcel Broodthaers, written in interview form, published for the Catalogue/Catalogus exhibition at the Palais de Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1974 (after conversations with Irmeline Lebeer).




Stefania Bril
São Paulo, 1974
21,5 x 28,5 cm
150 p.

Fotografias de Stefania Bril acompanhadas com poemas de Olney Kruse

Conhecidos de vista


Letícia Lampert
Conhecidos de Vista
São Paulo, Incompleta, 2018
18 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-85-85223-00-7

Terceira publicação da artista visual Letícia Lampert. Durante a realização do livro, a gaúcha visitou mais de 50 apartamentos nos bairros centrais de Porto Alegre – onde as ruas, com prédios de ambos os lados, configuravam uma situação de confronto de vistas.

“Com o tempo, porteiros e zeladores foram se tornando os principais curadores do projeto. Entre desconfiados e solidários, apreensivos e empolgados, eram eles que, quase sempre, decidiam em quais prédios eu poderia entrar, quem eu iria conhecer”.